姓 名: |
孫琪凱 |
職 務: |
職 稱: |
講師 |
學 曆: |
學 位: |
博士 |
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北京市海澱區上園村3号伟德这个平台怎么样土建樓605 |
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100044 |
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010-51683769 |
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2010.09-2014.07 北京航空航天大學 土木工程 本科/學士 2015.09-2018.07 中國鐵道科學研究院 建築與土木工程 研究生/碩士 2018.09-2022.09 伟德这个平台怎么样 土木工程 研究生/博士 |
2014.07-2014.08 中建一局北京分公司 施工員
2023.01至今 伟德这个平台怎么样 講師 |
第十二屆北京市大學生建築結構設計競賽競賽,二等獎/最佳指導教師獎 |
3、2023年 [1] Qikai Sun, Xiao Liu, Nan Zhang. An accurate solution method for the dynamic characteristics of three-layered partial-interaction composite beams. Structures. 2023, 56: 104928. [2] 孫琪凱, 張楠,劉潇.考慮剪切變形的連續鋼-混組合梁動力特性分析[J].振動與沖擊, 2023, 42(2): 258-266. [3] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 劉潇.基于Timoshenko梁理論的鋼-混簡支組合梁動力折減系數研究[J].吉林大學學報(工學版), 2023, 53(2): 1-8. [4] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 劉潇.考慮剪切變形的鋼-混凝土組合梁動力特性解析解[J].鐵道學報, 2023, 45(6): 161-168. [5] Xiao Liu, Nan Zhang, Qikai Sun, Zenong Cheng. A symplectic-spectral element method for high frequency vibration analysis and its application in structure-borne noise prediction. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2023, online.
2、2022年 [1] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang, Xiao Liu. A numerically stable exact method for analysis of partial-interaction composite beams based on Timoshenko beam theory. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273. [2] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang, Xinqun Zhu and Xiao Liu. Exact and approximate dynamic analysis of continuous partial-interaction composite beams. Steel and Composite Structures, 2022, 44(4): 517-529. [3] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang and Xiao Liu. Dynamic amplification factors of partial-interaction composite beams acted upon by the moving load. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2022; 23(1):2350012. [4] Xiao Liu, Nan Zhang, Qikai Sun, Zhaozhi Wu. Experimental and numerical study on vibration and structure-borne noise of composite box-girder railway bridges. International Journal of Rail Transportation, 2022, 2131641. [5] Xiao Liu, Nan Zhang, Qikai Sun, et al. An efficient frequency domain analysis method for bridge structure-borne noise prediction under train load and its application in noise reduction. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 108647. [6] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 劉潇.基于Timoshenko梁理論的鋼-混組合梁動力剛度矩陣法[J].工程力學, 2022, 39(8): 149-157. [7] 周子骥, 張楠, 孫琪凱. 基于虛拟激勵法列車脫軌系數概率統計研究.工程力學, 2022, 39(01):219-227. [8] 劉潇, 張楠, 孫琪凱. 高速鐵路鋼-混結合箱梁橋車緻振動與結構噪聲預測分析與試驗驗證. 土木工程學報, 2022, 錄用。 [9] 劉潇, 張楠, 孫琪凱. 高鐵簡支鋼-混結合箱梁振動特性研究.鐵道學報,2022,錄用。
1、2021年 [1] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang, Xiao Liu. A dynamic stiffness matrix method for free vibrations of partial-interaction composite beams based on the Timoshenko beam theory. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 520(2022):116579. [2] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang, Xiao Liu and Xiaoyan Tao. An equivalent single-layer theory for free vibration analysis of steel-concrete composite beams. Steel and Composite Structures, 2021, 38 (3): 281-291. [3] Qikai Sun, Nan Zhang, Xiao Liu and Xiaoyan Tao. Free vibrations of steel–concrete composite beams by the dynamic direct stiffness method. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2021; 21(4): 2150049. [4] Ziji Zhou, Nan Zhang, Qikai Sun. Research on probability statistics of train running safety indexes based on pseudo-excitation method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2021; 236(7):095440972110459. [5] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 劉潇, 等. 基于能量法分析考慮縱向剛度分布的鋼-混組合梁自振特性[J]. 振動與沖擊, 2021, 40(10): 67-72. [6] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 劉潇, 等.基于動力直接剛度法分析軸向變剛度鋼-混組合梁自振特性[J]. 振動與沖擊, 2021, 40(15): 296-302. [7] 孫琪凱, 張楠, 張冰, 等.基于等效單層理論的鋼-混組合梁動力分析方法[J]. 振動與沖擊, 2021, 40(17): 92-98.
[1] 鋼-混組合梁的動力響應解析分析.北京:伟德这个平台怎么样出版社, 2024. |
[1] 2023年伟德这个平台怎么样青年英才培育計劃II類人才 |
[1] IJSSD、《振動與沖擊》、《吉林大學學報:工學版》等雜志審稿人 |