劉佩,惠大城,薛雯. 雙向地震下博物館滑移型文物的易損性評估. 振動與沖擊, 2024, 43(21): 163-173.
Pei Liu, Da-Cheng Hui, Miao-Miao Jin, Wei-Guo Yang. Experimental study on seismic response of artifacts resting on showcases in an exhibition room. Structures, 2024, 60: 105894.
Pei Liu, Hao-Tian Chen, Yuan-Ming Zhang, Wei-Guo Yang. Shaking Table Tests of Sliding-Prone Blocks Subjected to Unidirectional and Bidirectional Ground and Floor Motions. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2024, 53(3): 1376-1397.
劉佩,楊維國,葛家琪,鄒曉光,王萌,馬伯濤. 足尺三層單跨框架結構-展櫃-文物系統振動台試驗研究. 建築結構學報, 2023, 44(8): 24-35.
劉佩,張元銘,楊維國. 地震下高度不等的相鄰框架結構碰撞的易損性分析. 伟德这个平台怎么样學報, 2023, 47(4): 120-129.
Pei Liu, Yuan-Ming Zhang, Hao-Tian Chen, Wei-Guo Yang. Experimental study on rocking blocks subjected to bidirectional ground and floor motions via shaking table tests. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2023, 52(10): 3171-3192.
劉佩,袁晨瑜,楊維國,馬伯濤. 博物館-展櫃-浮放文物系統地震滑移與搖擺響應分析. 防災減災工程學報, 2022, 42(6): 1203-1212.
Pei Liu, Wen Xue, Hui Pang, Yuan-Ming Zhang, Hao-Tian Chen, Wei-Guo Yang. Seismic overturning fragility analysis for freestanding building contents subjected to horizontal bidirectional floor motions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 161: 107414.
Pei Liu, Hui Pang, Wen Xue, Wei-Guo Yang. Fragility and risk assessment for sliding artifacts in artifact-showcase-museum systems subjected to three-component ground motions. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 45: 103635.
Pei Liu, Peng-Peng Fan, Hai-Xin Zhu, Wei-Guo Yang. A seismic pounding risk-based method for determination of minimum separation distance between nonlinear adjacent buildings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2022, 26(15): 7855-7877.
劉佩, 彭凡盛, 楊維國. 考慮碰撞效應的相鄰框架結構地震易損性分析. 建築結構學報, 2021, 42(Suppl.1): 139-145.
Pei Liu, Zhi-Hao Li, Wei-Guo Yang. Seismic fragility analysis of sliding artifacts in nonlinear artifact-showcase-museum systems. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2021,78(3): 333-350.
Pei Liu, Hai-Xin Zhu, Peng-Peng Fan, Wei-Guo Yang. A reliability-based fragility assessment method for seismic pounding between nonlinear buildings. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2021,77(1): 19-35.
Pei Liu, Shuqiang Huang, Mingming Song, Weiguo Yang. Bayesian model updating of a twin-tower masonry structure through subset simulation optimization using ambient vibration data. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2021,11: 129-148.
劉佩,朱海鑫,楊維國. 基于子集模拟的非線性相鄰結構地震碰撞易損性及風險評估方法. 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2020,54(2): 213-220.
劉佩,朱海鑫,楊維國,皇甫楠琦. 機械振動引起的高層建築共振與減振響應實測. 浙江大學學報(工學版), 2020,54(1): 102-109.
Pei Liu, Hai-Xin Zhu, Babak Moaveni, Wei-Guo Yang, Shu-Qiang Huang. Vibration monitoring of two long-span floors equipped with tuned mass dampers. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019,19(9): 1950101.
劉佩,朱海鑫,連鵬宇,楊維國. 基于環境振動和貝葉斯定理的有限元模型自動修正方法及應用. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2019,47(7): 49-57.
劉佩,朱海鑫,連鵬宇,楊維國. 伸縮縫結構的環境振動監測與動力特性識别. 振動、測試與診斷, 2019,39(4): 767-773, 904.
Pei Liu, Peng-Yu Lian, Wei-Guo Yang. Horizontal resonance of a 13 story building under external machine vibrations. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2018,18(1): 1850005.
Pei Liu, Hai-Xin Zhu, Shu-Qiang Huang, Wei-Guo Yang. Effects of separation joints on dynamic characteristics of adjacent structures based on ambient vibration tests. International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, 2018,2(3/4): 223-246.
劉佩,連鵬宇. 基于環境振動的某設置防震縫結構的動力特性. 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 2017,44(1): 95-101.
劉佩,連鵬宇. 基于環境振動測試的框架結構主裙樓動力特性分析. 振動與沖擊, 2016,35(10): 174-179.
Pei Liu, Feng-Liang Zhang, Peng-Yu Lian. Dynamic characteristics analysis of two adjacent multi-grid composite wall structures with a seismic joint by a Bayesian approach. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016,20(8): 1295-1321.
劉佩. 基于貝葉斯理論的結構動力可靠度更新方法與分析. 振動與沖擊, 2015,34(12): 29-34.
劉佩,袁泉,魏慶朝. 基于反應數據的貝葉斯概率方法在恢複力模型選擇中的應用. 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2014,45(5): 1666-1671.
Pei Liu, Siu-Kui Au. Bayesian parameter identification of hysteretic behavior of composite walls. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2013,34:101-109.
劉佩,袁泉,魏慶朝. 鋼筋混凝土柱恢複力模型參數識别的貝葉斯法. 華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2013,41(9):72-75.
Pei Liu, Meng Guo. An Experimental Study of Multi-Grid Composite Walls. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2012,15(3):495-507.
劉佩,姚謙峰. 結構動力可靠度計算的基于反應功率譜的重要抽樣法. 工程力學, 2012,29(4):24-28.
劉佩,袁泉,郭猛,李鵬飛. RC-加氣混凝土砌塊組合牆的抗震性能. 中南大學學報(自然科學版), 2012,43(3):1107-1113.
劉佩,郭猛,李挺,姚謙峰. 輕鋼龍骨框格密肋複合牆體抗震性能試驗研究. 工程力學, 2012,29(1):128-133.
Pei Liu, Qian-Feng Yao. Dynamic reliability of structures: the example of multi-grid composite walls. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 2010,36(4):463-479.
劉佩,姚謙峰. 基于動力可靠度計算的密肋複合牆結構設計方法. 建築結構學報, 2009,30(Suppl.2):19-23.
劉佩,姚謙峰. 密肋複合牆體的基于累積損傷的動力可靠度. 振動與沖擊, 2008,27(3):42-46.
劉佩,姚謙峰. 受非平穩地震作用的密肋複合牆體的可靠度分析.伟德这个平台怎么样學報, 2008,32(4):88-92.
Xiaoguang Zou, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Meng Wang, Zhouxing Li. Seismic behavior assessment of fasteners based on a shaking table test of a museum building model with a display case and artifacts. Engineering Structures, 2024, 305: 117695.
Xiaoguang Zou, Weiguo Yang, Meng Wang, Pei Liu. Seismic effectiveness assessment of nylon lines for the protection of museum artifacts via shaking table tests. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 418: 135340.
Weiguo Yang, Xiaoguang Zou, Pei Liu, Meng Wang. A seismic risk assessment method for cultural artifacts based on the Law of Large Numbers. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2023, 64(4): 216-227.
Weiguo Yang, Xiaoguang Zou, Meng Wang, Pei Liu. Rapid seismic risk assessment method for museum exhibition halls based on seismic safety of artifacts. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023, 153: 107552.
Xiaoguang Zou, Weiguo Yang, Meng Wang, Pei Liu. Seismic performance assessment of nylon lines for protecting museum collections. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 173: 108133.
Xiaoguang Zou, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Meng Wang. Floor acceleration amplification and response spectra of reinforced concrete frame structure based on shaking table tests and numerical study. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2023, 23: 156.
Weiguo Yang, Xiaoguang Zou, Meng Wang, Pei Liu. A multinomial logistic regression model-based seismic risk assessment method for museum exhibition halls. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 69(5): 106312.
Weiguo Yang, Xiaoguang Zou, Pei Liu, Meng Wang, Yingnan Su. Method for the seismic performance evaluation of fasteners used for securing cultural artifacts. Structures, 2023, 47(11): 2006-2024.
Xiaoguang Zou, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Meng Wang. Shaking table tests and numerical study of a sliding isolation bearing for the seismic protection of museum artifacts. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 65(8): 105725.
Hao Li, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Meng Wang. Resonance measurement and vibration reduction analysis of an office building induced by nearby crane workshop vibration. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 58(12): 105018.
Hao Li, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Meng Wang. Prediction method and experimental verification of vibration response caused by underground high-speed railways. Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 2022, 45(15): 146134842211321.
Hao Li, Weiguo Yang, Pei Liu, Xiaoguang Zou, Meng Wang. Isolation effects of vehicle-induced vibration tested by integral floating method. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 13(9): 168781402110449.
李昊,楊維國,鄒曉光,劉佩,王萌. 定點錘擊及現場列車作用下浮築隔振效果對比試驗及預測方法研究. 工程力學, 2022, 39(11): 233-244.
楊維國,李昊,康凱,王萌,劉佩. 地下高鐵緻結構振動全過程分析及隔振支座減隔振性能研究. 振動與沖擊,2022, 41(1): 254-264.
宿仲真. 考慮近斷層及豎向地震影響的博物館陳列高足文物易損性分析. 2024.6
惠大城. 浮放花瓶地震運動響應振動台試驗研究. 2023.6
金苗苗. 博物館展示架陳列三棱瓶文物的振動台試驗及滑移易損性分析. 2023.6
陳昊天. 滑移型館藏文物雙向地震振動台試驗及易損性分析. 2023.6
張元銘. 建築内部浮放物體雙向地震搖擺振動台試驗及易損性分析. 2022.6
薛雯. 基礎隔震博物館中浮放文物的地震滑移與搖擺易損性評估. 2022.6
袁晨瑜. 考慮博物館及展櫃實際動力特性的浮放文物地震運動響應分析. 2022.6
龐輝. 考慮豎向地震作用的浮放館藏文物地震滑移與傾覆易損性分析. 2021.6
李志浩. 浮放館藏文物地震滑移與傾覆易損性分析及風險評估. 2021.6.
馬潇雨. 基于子集模拟優化的密肋複合闆結構優化設計和參數識别. 2020.10
彭凡盛. 地震作用下相鄰鋼筋混凝土框架結構碰撞響應與減撞措施研究. 2019.12
範鵬鵬. 基于地震碰撞風險的非線性相鄰結構臨界間距計算方法. 2019.8
朱海鑫. 非線性相鄰結構地震碰撞易損性與風險評估方法. 2019.6
黃樹強. 基于貝葉斯理論和子集模拟優化的有限元模型修正方法與應用. 2019.6
南吉鋒. 結構損傷與恢複力模型參數識别的貝葉斯方法與應用. 2018.6
姚立傑. 文物儲藏櫃結構動力特性測試識别及有限元模型修正. 2017.6
連鵬宇. 基于環境振動的設縫相鄰結構模态參數識别及有限元模型修正. 2017.6
鄒曉光. 基于文物安全的博物館系統地震風險評估方法研究. 2024.6
李昊. 地下高鐵所緻結構振動響應預測及減隔振措施研究. 2022.10
王亞. 非隔震與隔震結構樓層反應譜分析及設計譜研究. 2021.6