姓 名: |
李旭 |
職 務: |
路基與基礎工程研究所所長 |
職 稱: |
教授 |
學 曆: |
研究生 |
學 位: |
博士 |
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北京海澱上園村3号伟德这个平台怎么样伟德这个平台怎么样 |
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100044 |
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51683902 |
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主要從事寒區岩土工程災害防治及隧道掘進機智能化等方面的科研工作。研究成果在Applied Thermal Engineering, Computers and
Geotechnics, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 岩土工程學報等國内外權威學術期刊發表論文100餘篇,其中近5年SCI論文53篇(第一和通訊作者論文26篇、JCR-Q1區論文40篇)、SCI他引1226次,單篇引用超過100次論文5篇,ESI高被引論文2篇;獲中國大壩工程學會第十屆“汪聞韶”院士青年優秀論文等論文獎4項;授權發明專利9項、軟件著作權4項;出版學術專著3部、教材2本。 先後主持國家重點研發計劃“戰略性科技創新合作專項”項目1項、國家高端外國專家引智計劃項目1項,國家自然基金青年及面上項目3項、北京市自然基金面上項目3項。
1997-2001年,清華大學水利系,取得學士學位; 2001-2004年,師從清華大學水利系徐千軍教授,陳祖煜院士,取得碩士學位; 2004-2009,師從香港科技大學張利民教授,取得土木工程專業博士學位。 |
2016.12 - 現在 伟德这个平台怎么样岩土工程系 博導、教授 2009.9 - 2016.12 伟德这个平台怎么样岩土工程系 碩導、副教授 2011.6 - 2012.8 西澳大利亞大學近海研究中心,Research Assistant Professor, 合作教授:Yuxia Hu & David White 2009.1 - 2009.9 香港科技大學土木系 博士後 |
【人才項目】 l 教育部: 第六批國家高層次人才支持計劃"青年拔尖人才"項目, 2022-2024 l 北京市教委: 北京高校青年英才計劃-李旭, 2013-2015
國家重點研發計劃 戰略性科技創新合作項目 基于人工智能的長大隧道圍岩信息識别及TBM掘進自動控制關鍵技術研究2022-2024 l 國家自然科學基金“面上”: 非飽和寬級配土凍結變形機理特性及本構模型研究, 2020-2023 l 其他部市(2020.10起僅限省部級科技計劃\基金\專項): TBM、盾構施工人工智能輔助決策系統關鍵技術研究, 2021-2023 l 鐵路總公司(原鐵道部): 島狀多年凍土區高速鐵路路基建造關鍵技術研究, 2020-2023 l 北京市自然基金“面上”: 垃圾填埋場新型岩土覆蓋層的防滲性能研究, 2019-2021 l 國家自然科學基金“面上”: 非飽和土滲流計算收斂準則及細粒-粗粒土毛細隔離層的防滲機理和設 計理論, 2015-2018 l 國家自然科學基金"青年基金": 降雨條件下崩殘積土強度軟化規律的實驗和理論研究, 2012-2014 l 北京市自然基金面上項目:非飽和土滲流分析的數值收斂準則及其數值分析方法研究,2015-2017 l 教育部高等學校博士點基金: 礫石-粘土複合岩土隔離層的防滲機理研究, 2012-2014 |
招生情況 招收 岩土工程方向 碩士生(3~4名/年) 和 博士生 (1名/年) 可擔任 土木工程方向 本科生導師 、大創指導教師、本科生畢業設計導師、大學生競賽導師 招生要求: 求真求知,勤奮好學,志存高遠
授課情況 講授本科生課程《土力學》, 研究生課程《非飽和土力學》《工程可靠度分析》; 講授涉外雙語教學課程《Subgrade and Geology》;碩士國際班英語課程《Advanced soil mechanics》;本科留學生課程《Soil Mechanics》 2011年, 2013年獲伟德这个平台怎么样青年教師教學比賽院一等獎,校三等獎。 李旭2015年度被評為伟德这个平台怎么样優秀班主任。
于策, 李旭, 吳永康, 魏少偉, 蔡德鈎.毛細導水布料排水性能及孔隙結構試驗研究. 工程地質學報, 2022, 30(5): 1494-1503.
1. Li X., Yao M.,
Yuan J.D., Wang Y.J*., Li P.Y., 2022. Deep learning characterization of rock conditions
based on tunnel boring machine. Underground Space,12, 89–101.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2022.10.010
2. 姚敏,李旭,原繼東,王玉傑,李鵬宇.基于TBM破岩數據的岩體條件深度學習表征方法. 地球科學, 2023, 48(05):1908-1922.
3. 李旭;姚敏;陳祖煜;等. 一種隧道掘進響應參數的預測方法[P] 發明專利.
ZL 2022 1 0705545.7
1. Li, X., Li, H.B., Du, S.Z*., et al., 2022. Cross-project utilization of
Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) construction data: A case study using big data
from Yin-Song Diversion Project in China. Georisk: Assessment &
Management of Risk for Engineered Systems & Geohazards.
2. 李海波,李旭*,王雙敬等. TBM破岩關鍵參數跨工程轉換關系,地球科學. 2022.
3. 李旭,李海波,王玉傑等,一種基于機器學習的TBM新建工程數據增強方法[P]. 發明專利:ZL 2022 1 0963204.X
4. 李旭,李海波,王雙敬等,一種基于掘進載荷預測的TBM控制參數決策方法[P]. 發明專利:ZL 2022 1 0675433.1
Wang H., Wu Y.K.*, Wang M., Li X. 2022. Influence
of fines content and degree of saturation on the freezing deformation
characteristics of unsaturated soils. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 201:
1. Li,
X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Wu, L., 2021. Combining two
methods for the measurement of hydraulic conductivity over a wide suction
range. Computers and Geotechnics, 135, 104178.
2. Zhang
Z., Li, X, Wu YK* , Li, XK.,2022. Stable
expression and control parameters in the numerical simulation of unsaturated
flow. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng, 16(12): 1501–1514
1. 李旭,劉阿強等.全吸力範圍内土水特征曲線的快速測定方法.岩土力學,2022(EI)
2. 劉阿強,李旭等.全吸力範圍内滲透系數快速測定方法研究.岩土力學,2022(EI)
1. 劉洋,李旭(*),吳瓊,鄭雙飛. 單一粒徑組碎石道砟顆粒破碎規律試驗研究. 鐵道學報.
1. 史新, 龐康, 李旭(*)等. 寬級配礫質土防滲性能研究. 岩土工程學報. 2018 (EI)
1. Wang
F, Li X .*,
et al. A discussion on the design criteria of capillary barrier.
[C]. Unsat2018, Hong Kong.
1. Li
X.*, Wu Y., et al. Comparison of Wetting Front Advancing
Method and Instantaneous Profile Method for the Hydraulic Conductivity
Measurements. [C]. GeoShanghai International Conference (pp. 47-53).
Springer, Singapore.
2. 劉麗, 吳羊, 陳立宏, 劉建坤.. 基于數值模拟的濕潤鋒前進法測量精度分析. 岩土力學. (EI)
3. 劉麗,吳羊,李旭,趙煜鑫. 壓實度對寬級配土水力特性的影響研究. 岩土力學
1. 白青波,李旭(*)等. 路基溫度場長期模拟中的地表熱邊界條件研究. 岩土工程學報, 2015(EI,被引21次)
2. 白青波,李旭(*)等. 凍土水熱耦合方程及數值模拟研究. 岩土工程學報, 2015(EI, 被引63次)
1. 李旭,趙學文等, 溫控體變儀, 發明專利. 2015.
2. Zhao
XW; LI X(*)
et al. Mesh size dependent process of wetting front advancing in unsaturated
soil column. [C]. The 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils.
Sydney, Austrilia. 2014
3. Zhao
XW; LI X(*)
etc. The effect of confining boundary on soil deformation in one dimensional
frost heave tests and the theoretical volume correction [J]. Sciences in Cold
and Arid Regions. 2013.
1. 徐錦斌,楊輝等. 不對稱土岩組合對深基坑支護變形的影響[J]. 建築技術,2014.
2. 王雨,徐錦斌等. 隧道下穿引起地下管線下沉的主控因素分析[J]. 中國安全生産科學技術,2014.
1. Zheng S.F., Liu Y., Zhang
N., Li X., et al. 2022. Experimental studies on shape and size effects on
particle breakage of railway ballast[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 37:
2. Li, X, Zheng S.F., Wang M., Liu A.Q. 2023. The prediction of the soil freezing
characteristic curve using the soil water characteristic curve. Cold Regions
Science and Technology, 212: 103880.
1. 趙煜鑫, 李旭(*), 林森等. 廣吸力範圍内一種改進的非飽和土抗剪強度模型. 岩土力學,2023,44(04):990-1000.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2022.0975.
2. 趙煜鑫, 李旭, 趙紅芬等. 寬飽和度範圍非飽和土抗剪強度指标的演化模型. 岩土力學,1-12.https://doi.org/10.16285/j.rsm.2023.0392.
3. 趙煜鑫, 張祿乾, 李旭(*)等. 寬飽和度範圍非飽和粗細混合土的強度演化規律:試驗現象. 岩土工程學報,1-11.
4. 趙煜鑫, 劉豔, 李旭(*)等. 非飽和黏性土抗剪強度模型對比分析及參數确定方法. 岩土工程學報, ,2022,44(S1):126-131.
1. Li, X. K., Li, X., Wu, Y., Gao, L. 2023. A novel
unsaturated drainage layer in capillary barrier cover for slope protection.
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82(4):108
2. Li, X., Li, X. K. 2023. A soil
freezing-thawing model based on thermodynamics. Cold Regions Science and
Technology, 211, 103867.
3. Li, X. K., Li, X., Liu, S., et al. 2023.
Thermal-seepage coupled numerical simulation methodology for the artificial ground
freezing process. Computers and Geotechnics, 156, 105246.
4. Li, X., Li, X. K., Wu, Y. K., et al. 2022. Selection criteria
of mesh size and time step in FEM analysis of highly nonlinear unsaturated
seepage process. Computers and Geotechnics, 146, 104712.
5. Li, X. K., Li, X., Wang, F., et al. 2022.
The design criterion for capillary barrier cover in multi-climate
regions. Waste Management, 149, 33-41.
6. 李曉康, 李旭, 王菲,等. 毛細阻滞覆蓋層儲水能力和擊穿時間試驗研究[J]. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2022(007):041.
7. 李旭,李曉康,柴玉卿,等.一種富水地層路基防凍脹結構[P]. 發明專利,ZL202011210127.8
1. Li, X., Wu, L. J., Wang, Y. J. & Li, J. H. 2023. Rock
fragmentation indexes reflecting rock mass quality based on real-time data of
TBM tunnelling. Scientific Reports, 13: 10420.
2. Wu, L. J., Li, X., Yuan, J.
D., Wang S. J. 2023. Real-time prediction of tunnel face conditions using
XGBRF algorithm. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering.
3. 李旭,武雷傑,李錦輝等. 一種基于TBM實時破岩數據的軟弱破碎圍岩感知方法. 發明專利,ZL202210821618.9
1. Wang M., Li
X.*, Liu, Z., Liu, J., & Chang, D. 2020. Application of PIV Technique in
Model Test of Frost Heave of Unsaturated Soil. Journal of Cold Regions
Engineering, 34(3), 04020014.
2. Wang M., Li X , Chen L , et al. 2020. A
modified soil water content measurement technique using actively heated fiber
optic sensor. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 12(3):
3. Wang M., Li
X.*, Xu X. 2021. An implicit Heat-Pulse-Probe method for measuring the soil
ice content. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 117186.
4. Wang M., Li X.*, Zhang
Y.Z., Du Y.L., 2023. Challenges in DIC measurement of segregation frost heave
and its solutions by adaptive updating algorithm. Cold Regions Science and
Technology, 210(2):103821
1. Zhang N., Li
X.*, Lin X., 2020. A frictional spring and cohesive contact model for accurate
simulation of contact forces in numerical manifold method. International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(11), 2369-2397.
2. Zhang N, Li X.*,
Jiang QH, Lin XC. Rotation errors in numerical manifold method and a
correction based on large deformation theory. Frontiers of Structural and
Civil Engineering, 2019.
3. Zhang N, Li
X.*, Wang D. Smoothed Classic Yield Function for C2 Continuities in Tensile
Cutoff, Compressive Cap, and Deviatoric Sections. International Journal of
Geomechanics,2021, 21(3): 04021005.
4. Chen L., Zhang N., Li X.*,
Zhang L.,2021. Comparison between baseline technique design and partial
factor design in slope engineering. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the
Environment, 1-14.
5. 張甯, 李旭(*)等. 關于土坡穩定性分析中的分項系數取值的讨論. 岩土工程學報, 2016(EI)
6. 儲昭飛, 李旭(*), 張甯. 土坡穩定性的分位概率法和分項系數法對比. 岩土工程學報, 2017 (EI)
1. Liu ZY, Liu JK, LI Xu(*) et al. Experimental
study on the volume and strength change of an unsaturated silty clay upon
freezing. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 157: 1-12. (SCI)
2. 劉振亞, 劉建坤, 李旭(*)等. PIV技術在非飽和凍土凍脹模型試驗中的實現與灰度相關性分析[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2018. (EI)
3. 劉振亞, 劉建坤, 李旭(*)等. 非飽和粉質黏土凍結溫度和凍結變形特性試驗研究[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2017. (EI) (EI, 被引9次)
4. 劉振亞, 劉建坤, 李旭(*)等. 毛細黏聚與冰膠結作用對非飽和粉質黏土凍結強度及變形特性的影響。2018, 岩石力學與工程學報.(EI, 被引10次)
51 Wang M., Li X.*, Zhang Y.Z., Du Y.L., 2023. Challenges in DIC measurement of segregation frost heave and its solutions by adaptive updating algorithm. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 210(2):103821 50 Li J.B., Chen Z.Y.*, Li X., Jing L.J., et al, 2022. Feedback on a shared big dataset for intelligent TBM. Part I: Feature extraction and machine learning methods. Underground Space. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2023.01.001 49 Li J.B., Chen Z.Y*., Li X., et al., 2022. Feedback on a shared big dataset for intelligent TBM. Part II: Application and forward look. Underground Space. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2023.01.002 48 Zheng S.F., Liu Y., Zhang N., Li X., et al. 2022. Experimental studies on shape and size effects on particle breakage of railway ballast[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 37: 100883. 47 Li X., Zheng S.F., Wang M., Liu A.Q. 2023. The prediction of the soil freezing characteristic curve using the soil water characteristic curve. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 212: 103880. 46 Li X., Li H.B., Du S.Z., et al., 2022. Cross-project utilization of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) construction data: A case study using big data from Yin-Song Diversion Project in China. Georisk: Assessment & Management of Risk for Engineered Systems & Geohazards. https://doi.org/10.1080/17499518.2023.2184834 45 Zhang N., Zheng H., Li X., Wu, W.N. 2023. On hp refinements of independent cover numerical manifold method—some strategies and observations. Science China Technological Sciences 66(5) 44 Li X., Wu L. J., Wang Y. J., Li, J. H. 2023. Rock fragmentation indexes reflecting rock mass quality based on real-time data of TBM tunnelling. Scientific Reports, 13: 10420. 43 Li X., Yao M., Yuan J.D., Wang Y.J*., Li P.Y., 2022. Deep learning characterization of rock conditions based on tunnel boring machine. Underground Space,12, 89–101.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2022.10.010 42 姚敏,李旭(*),原繼東,王玉傑,李鵬宇. 2022.基于TBM破岩數據的岩體條件深度學習表征方法. 地球科學. 2023, 48(05):1908-1922. 41 Zhang Z, Li X, Wu Y.K* , Li X.K. Stable expression and control parameters in the numerical simulation of unsaturated flow. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2022, 16(12): 1501–1514 40 Li X.K., Li X., Wu Y., Gao L. 2023. A novel unsaturated drainage layer in capillary barrier cover for slope protection. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82(4):108 39 Li X., Li X. K., 2023. A soil freezing-thawing model based on thermodynamics. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 211, 103867. 38 Li X. K., Li X.*, Liu S., et al. 2023. Thermal-seepage coupled numerical simulation methodology for the artificial ground freezing process. Computers and Geotechnics, 156, 105246. 37 Wang H., Wu Y.*, Wang M., Li X. 2022. Influence of fines content and degree of saturation on the freezing deformation characteristics of unsaturated soils. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 201: 103610. 36 Li X. K., Li X.*, et al. 2022. The design criterion for capillary barrier cover in multi-climate regions. Waste Management, 149, 33-41. 35 Li X., Li X. K., Wu Y. K., et al. 2022. Selection criteria of mesh size and time step in FEM analysis of highly nonlinear unsaturated seepage process. Computers and Geotechnics, 146, 104712. 34 趙煜鑫, 李旭(*), 林森等. 廣吸力範圍内一種改進的非飽和土抗剪強度模型. 岩土力學,2023,44(04):990-1000.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2022.0975. 33 趙煜鑫, 李旭, 趙紅芬等. 寬飽和度範圍非飽和土抗剪強度指标的演化模型. 岩土力學,1-12.https://doi.org/10.16285/j.rsm.2023.0392. 32 趙煜鑫, 張祿乾,李旭(*)等. 寬飽和度範圍非飽和粗細混合土的強度演化規律:試驗現象. 岩土工程學報,1-11.. 31 趙煜鑫, 劉豔, 李旭(*)等. 非飽和黏性土抗剪強度模型對比分析及參數确定方法. 岩土工程學報, ,2022,44(S1):126-131. 30 于策, 李旭, 吳永康*, 魏少偉, 蔡德鈎. 毛細導水布料排水性能及孔隙結構試驗研究. 工程地質學報, 2022,30(5): 1494-1503. 29 李曉康, 李旭(*), 王菲,等. 毛細阻滞覆蓋層儲水能力和擊穿時間試驗研究. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2022(007):041. 28 劉麗,吳羊,李旭(*),趙煜鑫. 壓實度對寬級配土水力特性的影響研究.岩土力學,2021,42(09):2545-2555.(EI) 27 李旭,劉阿強等. 全吸力範圍内土水特征曲線的快速測定方法.岩土力學, 2022(EI) 26 劉阿強,李旭(*)等. 全吸力範圍内滲透系數快速測定方法研究.岩土力學, 2022(EI) 25 李曉康,李旭(*)等. 毛細阻滞覆蓋層儲水能力和擊穿時間試驗研究. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2022(EI) 24 Wang M., Li X.*, Xu X.T., 2021. An implicit Heat-Pulse-Probe method for measuring the soil ice content. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,117186. 23 Li X., Zhang Z., Zhang L., Zhang L., Wu L., 2021. Combining two methods for the measurement of hydraulic conductivity over a wide suction range. Computers and Geotechnics, 135, 104178. 22 Zhang J., Hu J., Li X., Li J. Bayesian network based machine learning for design of pile foundations. Automation in Construction,2020, 118:103295. 21 Wang L., Liu J., Yu X., Li X., Puppala A., Wang Q. Experimental study on the correlation between the partial and total salt content in saline gravel using ion chromatography. Transportation Geotechnics, 2021, 26, 100424. 20 Chen L., Zhang N., Li, X.(*) , Zhang L . Comparison between baseline technique design and partial factor design in slope engineering. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2021, 1-14. 19 Zhang N., Li, X.(*), Wang D . Smoothed Classic Yield Function for C2 Continuities in Tensile Cutoff, Compressive Cap, and Deviatoric Sections. International Journal of Geomechanics,2021, 21(3): 04021005. 18 Chen Z. , Zhang Y., Li J., Li X., Jing L., 2020. 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1. Li X, Zhang L. Characterization of dual-structure pore-size distribution of soil. Canadian geotechnical journal, 2009, 46(2): 129-141.(Q1,SCI他引103次) 2. Zhang L , Li X. Microporosity structure of coarse granular soils. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2010, 136(10): 1425-1436.(Q1,SCI他引70次) 3. Li X, Zhang LM, Li JH. Predicting bimodal soil–water characteristic curves and permeability functions using physically based parameters. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 57: 85-96. (Q1,SCI他引51次) 4. Liu ZY, Liu JK, Li X(*),Fang JH. Experimental study on the volume and strength change of an unsaturated silty clay upon freezing[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 157: 1-12.(SCI,Q1,引用次數:30,入選2018年以來該期刊引用量最多文章列表) 5. 白青波, 李旭(*),田亞護. 凍土水熱耦合方程及數值模拟研究[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2015, 37(s2):131-136. (EI,引用次數:128) 6. Li X., Zhang L, Fredlund D. Wetting front advancing column test for measuring unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2009, 46(12): 1431-1445. (Q1,SCI他引58次) 7. Li, X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., & Wu, L. (2021). Combining two methods for the measurement of hydraulic conductivity over a wide suction range. Computers and Geotechnics, 135, 104178.(Q1,最新成果) 8. Li, X., Li, X.K., Wu, Y., Wu, L., & Yue, Z. (2022). Selection criteria of mesh size and time step in FEM analysis of highly nonlinear unsaturated seepage process. Computers and Geotechnics, 146, 104712.(Q1,最新成果) 9. Wu LZ, Huang J, Fan W, Li X. Hydro-mechanical coupling in unsaturated soils covering a non-deformable structure. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 117:103287.(Q1,ESI高被引論文) 10. Li JH, Li PX, Guo D , Li X(*), Chen ZY. Advanced prediction of tunnel boring machine performance based on big data. Geoscience Frontiers, 2020, 12(1): 331-338.(Q1,近一年半持續為高被引ESI論文) 11. Lin XC, Li X(*), Wang XG, Wang YJ. A compact 3D block cutting and contact searching algorithm. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2019, 62(8): 1438-1454. (獲中國大壩工程學會第十屆“汪聞韶”院士青年優秀論文獎) 12. Zhang GX, Li X(*), Li HF. Simulation of hydraulic fracture utilizing numerical manifold method. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences , 2015, 58: 1542-1557. (他引30次) 13. Zhang N, Li X(*), Lin X . A frictional spring and cohesive contact model for accurate simulation of contact forces in numerical manifold method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121(11): 2369-2397. |
1. Xu Li, Hongfen Zhao, Limin Zhang. Fundamental Behavior of Unsaturated Widely-Graded Soil. Springer Singapore. 2023 2. 李旭等,土力學實驗教程,伟德这个平台怎么样出版社,2023 3. Zhang L., Li J., Li X., Zhang J., Zhu H., 2018. Rainfall-induced soil slope failure: stability analysis and probabilistic assessment. CRC Press. 4. Wu L., Huang R., Li X., 2020. Hydro-mechanical Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Landslides. Springer. 5. 岩土工程可靠度理論. 張璐璐主編. 同濟大學出版社. (參編第六章響應面法)
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