陳文化(通訊)Surface ground vibration of a tunnel embedded in soil layer of cold regions to a moving point load , Cold Regions Science and Technology 202208
陳文化(通訊)Xiang, T (Xiang, Tian) [1] ; Impact analysis of transverse isotropic freezing expansion in surrounding rock and variation of freezing front on cracks initiation COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS Volume 174 DOI 10.1016 .2024.106623
Chen, WH (Chen, Wenhua) [1] ; Xiang, T (Xiang, Tian) [1] Frost heaving and crack initiation characteristics of tunnel rock mass in cold regions under low-temperature degradation JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE Volume 21 Issue 8 Page 2844-2854 DOI 10.1007/s
Number 106623 Indexed 2024-08-11
Xiang, T (Xiang, Tian) [1] ; Chen, WH (Chen, Wenhua) [1] Freeze-thaw effect-induced unidirectional extension of crack and rock fracture analysis ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANIC DOI 10.1007/s00419-024-02651-0 Indexed 2024-07-27
陳文化(通訊) Mechanisms of coupled mode I-II fracture initiation in rocks subjected to heat flow-induced fracture gas-steam pressure and heat flow stress , theortical and applied fracture mechanics 202310
陳文化(通訊) High Temperature Cracking Mechanism of Surrounding Rock Due to TC and CTE Heterogeneity, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,2023 3
陳文化(通訊)Linear crack initiation analysis on rock surface under the combined action of sub-elevated temperature stress and fracture air-vapor pressure theortical and applied fracture mechanics 202211
陳文化(通訊) A spring-like interface between saturated frozen soil and circular tunnel lining under the moving load in cold regions without considering frost heave, Research in Cold and Arid Regions 202305
陳文化(通訊)高溫環境下花崗岩三角形裂隙熱應力場研究 202111 岩石力學與工程學報
陳文化(通訊)基于裂隙形狀函數的自然環境高溫下花崗岩 裂隙尖部非線性溫度場 岩土力學
陳文化(通訊)Dynamic Response of Tunnels Surrounded by Thawing Permafrost with Anisotropic Frost Heave in Cold Regions: Considering the Movement of the Frozen Interface JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2302 149
陳文化(通訊) 亞高溫裂隙氣—汽壓作用下岩石近表複合型裂紋起裂研究 2023-3-13 岩石力學與工程學報
陳文化(通訊) 深厚淤泥質土中基坑開挖對基樁 影響的離心模型試驗研究 岩土力學 202002
陳文化(通訊)Strength of Recompacted Loess Affected by Coupling between Acid–Base Pollution and Freeze–Thaw Cycles Cold Regions Science and Technology 202111
陳文化(通訊) Strength deterioration model of remolded loess contaminated with acid and alkali solution under freeze-thaw cyclesCold Regions Science and Technology 202001
陳文化 隧道襯砌–土層接觸面黏–彈性對 地鐵空間振動傳播的影響,岩石力學與工程學報,2019
陳文化 (通訊作者)Behavior of Composite Foundations Reinforced with Rigid Columns,Journal of Transportation,2019
陳文化 (通訊作者)Retaining Technology for Deep Foundation Pit Excavation Adjacent to High-Speed Railways Based on Deformation Control ,FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 2021
陳文化 (通訊作者)深厚淤泥質土中基坑開挖對基樁 影響的離心模型試驗研究 岩土力學 2020
陳文化 (通訊作者)地埋管線周圍土體抗力系數的正交各向異性解析分析,岩石力學與工程學報,2018
陳文化 地鐵列車進出站時土層空間振動特性分析 岩土力學 2019
陳文化 (通訊作者) 移動的隧道軸向激勵作用下兩相多孔介質動力反應 振動與沖擊 2019
陳文化 (通訊作者) 地鐵列車進站引起場地柱面縱向振動 振動工程學報 2017
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陳文化 高溫高濕環境下高鐵隧道洞口段熱濕病害分析 鐵道工程學報 2016
陳文化(通訊作者)隧道開挖引起鄰近單樁水平反應分析 岩土力學 2016
陳文化(通訊作者)地鐵列車出、進站加減速軸向激勵引起出平面振動 振動與沖擊 2016
地鐵施工擾動下柔性管線安全評價 現代隧道技術 2016
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陳文化 責任作者 輸水隧道在P波入射時的三維地震響應研究 振動工程學報 2014
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陳文化 地層非均質成層性對地下管道的變形影響 岩土工程學報,2019,
陳文化 考慮不均勻凍脹土體-襯砌隧道在寒區的振動響應 岩土力學,2023